Daniel Gillies a spus ca Elijah este indragostit de Elena in The Vampire Diaries.
Actorul de 35 de ani a dezvaluit faptul ca el spera ca vampirul Original sa-si exprime sentimentele fata de Elena (Nina Dobrev) la un anumit moment la CW.
"Stiu ca este un pic limpede in lumea "Vampire Diaries", unde toata lumea se indragosteste de Elena, dar sunt de parere ca Elijah vede ceva frumos in ea," spune Gillies.
"Mi-ar placea ca el sa isi exprime sentimentele fata de ea inainte sa plece din serial", continua acesta. "Cred ca Elijah ar fi mult mai atras de ea deoarece aceasta are o viata mai buna decat cei care traiau acum secole in urma."
"Cred ca acesta este lucrul care il atrage", insista Gillies. "Chiar daca a fost doar un moment, mi-ar placea sa vad ca cei doi impart ceva, dar cred ca ar trebui sa fie ceva mai mult".
Daniel Gillies s-a intors recent la CW, dupa ce a fost inviat de Damon (Ian Somerhalder).
Joseph Morgan, care il interpreteaza pe Klaus a spus in Decembrie ca i-ar placea sa vada o lupta intre caracterul lui si Elijah.
Daniel Gillies has said that Elijah is in love with Elena on The Vampire Diaries.
The 35-year-old revealed that he hopes the Original vampire will express his feelings for Elena (Nina Dobrev) at some point on the CW series.
"I know it's a little obvious in the world of Vampire Diaries, where everyone falls in love with Elena, but I agree that Elijah sees something beautiful in her," Gillies said.
"I would love for him to express that to her before he goes," he continued. "I feel like Elijah would be most drawn to her because she's living a better life than people who've lived for centuries longer.
"I think that's the sort of thing he's attracted to," Gillies insisted. "Even it was just a moment, I'd love to see them share something - but I think it should be more."
Gillies recently returned to the CW series after he was resurrected by Damon (Ian Somerhalder).
Joseph Morgan, who plays Klaus, said in December that he would love to see a battle between his character and Elijah.
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